Wednesday 16 September 2009

Chrome on Linux

Am dat zilele astea jos Chrome pentru Linux si chiar daca scrie mare UNSTABLE si IT WILL DIE, pot spune ca inca nu mi-a crapat o data, si nu pot sa vad o diferenta intre versiunea de Windows si cea de Linux.

Iar versiunea 3 de la Chrome este muuult mai rapida ca cea de dinainte. Si cand zic mult, este vizibil mai rapid, nu doar teste sau incarcari de pagini specializate cu timere si mai stiu eu ce prostii.

Viva la Revolution !!!!!

Friday 11 September 2009

Cum sa tii customerul aproape!

Hi Adriana, some details regarding your order (xxxxxx) have been updated. Your order status has most likely changed to one of the following stages:

- Stage 1 of 4 - New : Your order has been received and has been placed in the system by our creepy robot drones, but no human has looked at it yet.

- Stage 2 of 4 - Received : Your order has at least been seen by a human...something is being done...wheels are turning someplace in the distance.

- Stage 3 of 4 - Processing : Your order is in our internal system...people are running around madly fetching your goods...stealing them if they have too.

- Stage 4 of 4 - Despatched : Guess what...yep thats right...its going going...gone...out the door...your order has shipped.